Piknik Wiertniczy 2023

Drilling Picnic 2023


We are pleased to invite you to the “14th Drilling Picnic” organized by our company, which will start at 10:00 on May 19, 2023 at our plant in Trzebinia: 32-540 Trzebinia, ul. Kościuszki 59.

The Drilling Picnic includes:

1. Seminar part – lectures:

  • M.Sc. Eng. Piotr Buliński:
    Title: Parameters for drilling holes for heat exchangers.
  • Eng. Arkadiusz Pyczko, Ph.D. Eng. Krzysztof Skrzypaszek,
    Dr. Eng. Przemysław Toczek, M.Eng. Tomasz Kowalski:
    Title: Design of borehole heat exchangers using the ANSYS package.

2. Technical part:

  • Presentation of drilling equipment and selected production technologies during a tour of the plant.
  • Presentation of drilling equipment manufactured by Archon

3. Recreational part – casual conversations at the barbecue.

We kindly ask you to confirm the number of people taking part in the picnic by Wednesday, May 17, 2023, by phone: (32) 719 91 34 or e-mail: biuro@archonspzoo.pl 

Wiesław Lizończyk
President of Archon Sp. z o. o.

W ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020 firma ARCHON Sp. z o.o. realizuje dwa projekty dofinansowane z Funduszy Europejskich:

  • Poddziałanie 3.4.4.A Dotacje dla MŚP
  • Działanie 4.2 Eko-przedsiębiorstwa